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Medium and Technique

  1. To withstand external exposure to the elements of nature and also enhance the composition, the use of a strong but light media such as the aluminum is required. The composition measures 6 meters by 4 meters (19 ft. 68 by 13 ft. 12), will be split into 24 panels of 1 square meter. This grid formula is designed to create a mosaic effect on a favorable medium like aluminum.

  2. To hang properly all the panels, the precise location must be considered before determining the adequate system for installation of large-scale work.

  3. The final product will reflect the original for the most part. Digital art marries together the relic of old to a new and contemporary medium, generating a new, raw emotion.

  4. Graphic software is normally used for retouch and restoration. My choice is the opposite for a number of reasons. If I retouched the original, I would certainly lose the most significant part of the icon : its universal vision and humanity. As an artist, I take the risk to give my own interpretation and give the icon a contemporary perception.

  5. My conceptual approach aims to maintain the integrity of the icon during the process of selective pixelization of the work. The digital retouching can be considered something like a veil which covers the icon in some areas. There are a number of questions to be asked. Does this veil mask the icon? Or does this veil lift up to reveal the essence of the icon? These questions will challenge the minds of the viewers.

Oculus World-Trade

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